North Florida Transportation Planning Organization
The TPO has 15 voting members and five ex officio (non-voting) members. They meet monthly to discuss issues and make decisions about future transportation projects, initiatives and improvements. Board meetings are held each month, except January and July, on the second Thursday at 10 a.m. in the North Florida TPO Board Room. Virtual meetings may replace in-person meetings during public health or other emergencies.
Clay Murphy

Clay Murphy

St. Johns County Commission

Randy White

Randy White

Vice Chair

Jacksonville City Council

Dr. Kristen Burke

Dr. Kristen Burke


Clay County Commission

Elaine Brown

Elaine Brown

City of Neptune Beach

Debbie Buckland

Debbie Buckland

Jacksonville Transportation Authority

Betsy Condon

Betsy Condon

Clay County Commission

Klynt Farmer

Klynt Farmer

Nassau County Commission

Mike Gay

Mike Gay

Jacksonville City Council

Soo Gilvarry

Soo Gilvarry

Jacksonville Port Authority

Miriam Hill

Miriam Hill

Nassau County Ocean, Highway and Port Authority

Reba Ludlow

Reba Ludlow

St. Augustine/St. Johns Airport Authority

Ju'Coby Pittman

Ju'Coby Pittman

Jacksonville City Council

Jimmy Peluso

Jimmy Peluso

Representative for Donna Deegan, Mayor, City of Jacksonville

Nancy Sikes-Kline

Nancy Sikes-Kline

City of St. Augustine Commission

James Bennett

James Bennett

Ex Officio Member

Baker County Commission

Mark McManus

Ex Officio Member

USN Representative for Capt. Marcos Cantu

Gregory Evans, P.E.

Gregory Evans, P.E.

Non-Voting Adviser

District 2 Secretary, Florida Dept. of Transportation

Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) advises the TPO on technical transportation planning issues. Membership includes government and agency staff with expertise in planning, engineering and related fields.

The TAC meets the first Wednesday monthly, except January and July, at 10 a.m. in the North Florida TPO Board Room. Virtual meetings may replace in-person meetings during public health or other emergencies.

Citizens Advisory Committee

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) provides an opportunity for citizens to participate in the transportation planning process. Members are appointed to ensure a diverse cross section of the public.

The CAC meets the first Wednesday monthly, except January and July, at 2 p.m. in the North Florida TPO Board Room. Virtual meetings may replace in-person meetings during public health or other emergencies.