North Florida Transportation Planning Organization
The federal government requires areas developed around cities with 50,000 or more people to have a “metropolitan planning organization” like the TPO to coordinate planning and funding. Local elected officials and transportation agency representatives serve on the TPO Board and receive input from the TPO Technical and Citizens Advisory committees. Under board direction, the TPO is led by an executive director with professional staff in transportation planning, modeling, communications and finance. Learn more from The Transportation Planning Process Briefing Book: Key Issues for Transportation Decisionmakers, Officials and Staff by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Agency Funding

The North Florida TPO receives federal and state transportation planning grants and local member assessments. Our local funding partners are represented on our Board and our annual operations and study budget is detailed in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).

North Florida TPO financial statements are audited annually by an independent accounting firm.

Financial Statements

Project Funding

The North Florida TPO is responsible for approving transportation projects funded with federal assistance, regardless of the grant program. Project funding sources are identified in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).


Every four years, the North Florida TPO undergoes a certification process to ensure we’re meeting federal requirements. The Federal Highway and Federal Transit administrations conducted the North Florida TPO 2020 certification review and deemed the North Florida TPO in compliance with federal planning requirements. The review team also praised noteworthy practices in public participation and collaborative coordination across agencies and stakeholders. This certification will remain in effect until September 2024. See our 2024 Certification page for more information about our certification in process.

2020 North Florida TPO Certification Report

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, October 10

TPO Board Meeting is CANCELED due to Hurricane Milton. New date TBD.

Wednesday, November 06

Technical Advisory Committee

Wednesday, November 06

Citizens Advisory Committee

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